The new CTV Original follows Tess, a visually-impaired detective who must rely on Sunny, a remote seeing eye partner.
The comedy series Bria Mack Gets A Life finds a young smart Black woman reluctantly navigating the workforce and adulthood.
Here are five 2023 shows that will satisfy any episodic obsessive!
Our photos and clips from the press room of last night's Canadian Screen Awards.
Young Drunk Punk is not just one of the best comedies in Canada, it is one of the best comedies on TV.
Canadian movies and TV have a bad rep. CANADALAND's Jesse Brown talked to Jay Baruchel about how we fix this, and inadvertently hit upon something that could actually be the key to improving our onscreen cultural landscape.
Just a few of the snaps we took of last night's Canadian Screen Award winners followed by the full list of winners.
Dork Shelf talks to Amy Price-Francis, star of the Showcase comedy-drama King about the pressures of carrying a television show as a lead, the group dynamic of creating a crime procedural, and what to expect from season two of the show.