John Leguizamo

American Ultra Review

American Ultra could have easily fallen into the category of farcical tripe, but this stoner spy spoof is saved by good performances and surprising style.

Chef Review

After spending some time away from the indie film scene making some high profile Hollywood blockbusters (and some admitted box office duds, none of which were really his fault), actor and director Jon Favreau has come back with a gleefully reinvigorated mojo in the form of Chef, a winning, inspirational, and pitch perfect comedy that feels personal and universal at the same time.

Unsung Anniversaries #3: American Ninja 3: Blood Hunt

For this week's Unsung Anniversaries, we go with a pretty deep cut to celebrate the 25th anniversary of American Ninja 3: Blood Hunt, and in the process talk a little bit about the history of 1980s movie making powerhouse Cannon Films, what happens when a franchise has to recast its lead, and why the film has two standout performances from cult acting icons that almost make it worth watching.

Ride Along Review

Forget that Ride Along is so cliched there are no surprises or that buddy cop movies are already too cliched to begin with. Despite the best efforts of Ice Cube and Kevin Hart, Tim Story's sanitized take on the genre is just too genial to be much fun.

The Counselor Review

It’s hard to think of a film that will be more openly divisive between critics, and yet no one in the general public would see or even necessarily enjoy all that much than Ridley Scott and Cormac McCarthy's The Counselor. I have no idea who this movie is aimed at pleasing or entertaining outside of McCarthy himself, but I’m kind of glad it exists. I think.