Dodgy CGI, a bad script, and a bored director. Wahlberg in full-on scenery-chewing mode is the only thing Flight Risk has going for it.
The most egregious part of remaking The Strangers is making it worse. But also turning it into a trilogy is unforgivable.
Mongrel Media has partnered with Lionsgate to bring Lionsgate Live! A Night at the Movies to Canada.
Operation Avalanche co-writer Josh Boles talks about his tricks of the trade for breaking a story and writing for the found footage format once again.
With this week's re-launch of Sailor Moon in the form of the beautifully rendered anime Sailor Moon Crystal, we at Dork Shelf thought it's about time to talk about one of the major influences on the Sailor Senshi: another squad of five multi-coloured soldiers from the 1990s, the Power Rangers. What do we want to see in the new Rangers movie?
Since we ended last week's show on such a high note, this week we explore Jess's trip to the theatre, Gavin visits Lionsgate and pitches the Heroes for Hire, and we once again play a new game of "Quiz the Geek".