We chat with director Marisa Stotter about She Makes Comics, a documentary film about the untold history of women in comic books, celebrating female creators and fans alike.
This week's show sees the crew reunited at last... and it feels so good. In this episode Gavin, Jeff and Jess are joined by Teddy Wilson of InnerSPACE fame. They discuss the origins of Teddy, Tokyo police drummers and Black Swan. We went extra long recording this episode, so this will be the first part of a two parter. We'll see you next week for the thrilling conclusion!
With Jess absent, Gavin and Jeff have a frank and deep discussion about the current state of media, lament having to grow up and reminisce about their respective dorky childhoods. They also discuss the always timely subject of the Transformers motion pictures.
Since we ended last week's show on such a high note, this week we explore Jess's trip to the theatre, Gavin visits Lionsgate and pitches the Heroes for Hire, and we once again play a new game of "Quiz the Geek".
Happy 2011! We're back at it and have stories of our nerdy New Year's Eve adventures. Gavin and Jess share tales of hilarity from Futurecon, while Jeff introduces a new segment to the show, and we return to pitching your favorite comic books to moronic studio executives. Of course, no post-Christmas GND would be complete without talking about the Doctor Who Holiday Special and share personal thoughts on things to come and zombie readiness.
Goodbye 2010! In this our last show of the year, Gavin, Jess, and Jeff take some time to discuss the happenings of GND to date, finally hammer out the logistics of operating a terror dome, make an All-Star Superman pitch that you will not forgot, and fondly remember the best/worst holiday movies you will ever see.
While Gavin was away on tour, Jess and Jeff had an opportunity to talk with Heather Labonte from Teletoon. In this episode we explore Star Wars fandom, "May the Force be with Katie", and the pitch returns with a surprising results. We also geek out over our favourite retro shows and some upcoming news about Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
In this episode, Gavin, Jess and Jeff discuss all things Canadian. Moving the proceedings from the Silver Snail back to the Hall of Justice (J.M.'s apartment), we catch up with a new story from the online world, the Canadian pitch problem, the bane of musical theatre, and what growing up in a small town as a geek is like.
This week brings us back to our gracious hosts at the Silver Snail. Gavin, Jeff and J.M. discuss past events, lament the state of Canadian film & TV, and maybe even have time for a healthy pitch.