Oni Press
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World fans are in for a treat, care of Netflix!
Interview: Robert Wilson IV On Heartthrob
Artist Robert Wilson IV spoke with us about his upcoming series Heartthrob, what he loves most about Bitch Planet's Penny Rolle, and the architecture and 20th century design elements that inform his work.
The Auteur #1 Review
Readers will enjoy The Auteur's send-up of the Nathan T. Rex, but it's not enough to compel Jay to follow the adventures of a main character with no redeeming qualities.
Bad Medicine Vol. 1 Review
Bad Medicine Vol. 1 is a book where medicine meets mythology, blending elements of science with the supernatural to create a really interesting new series from Oni Press.
News Shelf: 25/01/13
And now, all the film, game, and comic news that’s fit to print. Star Wars Episode VII finds a director, THQ auctions off big name game franchises, Nintendo unveils new Wii U titles, The Sixth Gun gets an NBC pilot, and Rob Liefeld writes a screenplay.
Tips for Getting Girls (into Comics): The 10 Best Gateway Comics
Comic books are awesome, and more ladies should love them. Here’s the top ten best gateway comics that will make gals fans for life.
Bad Medicine #1 – 2 Review
Bad Medicine is a gritty new series by Oni Press that debuted at Free Comic Book Day, featuring a questionable cast of characters thrown together to solve a crime drama with some serious sci-fi elements. How do you find a perp you can't see? This is the paradox facing Detective Joely Huffman in the case of a body found with an invisible head with all signs pointing to an invisible murderer.
The Tooth Review
Written by Cullen Ben and Shawn Lee, with illustrations by Matt Kindt, The Tooth stands as a perfect example of why we NEED small publishers like Oni and Red 5 Comics. It is a wonderful story, but one which defies easy categorization and clearly flies in the face of what the Big Two/Three traditionally publish.
Wasteland #30 Review
It is always difficult to jump into the middle of an on-going story. Superhero titles by Marvel and DC are broken down into six issue arcs and there are always two “new reader” points every year. Longer narratives, like Scalped or Fables, both amazing stories, can be nearly impossible to understand properly from just the latest weekly issue. Still, they are classic reads, and a primary reason why the trade paperback market keeps growing. Wasteland #30 was confusing at first for this novice to the title; yet, I immediately wanted to know more.
The Sixth Gun #8 Review
The Sixth Gun is a snappy, fast paced read that is deeply rooted in the western gunslinger genre while quickly outstripping such a classification with its supernatural and mystery elements. I picked up the first trade paperback (collecting issues #1-6) on a lark, and after reading the first couple pages, I couldn’t put it down. I am not usually drawn to the western genre, other than the occasional Clint Eastwood movie, or the recent True Grit, but this comic hooked me with its intriguing characters and superb graphic layout.
Hopeless Savages: Greatest Hits
Hopeless Savages: Greatest Hits 2000 - 2010 brings together all the published issues of Jen Ven Meter's comic and a few colour stories that fill in key moments in the Hopeless Savage family drama. The collection features the art of Christine Norrie, Chynna Clugston Flores, Ross Campbell, Andi Watson, Becky Cloonan and Bryan Lee O’ Malley.
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
Toronto Premiere Interviews
Last week the Dork Shelf crew hit the red carpet at the Winter Garden for the Toronto premiere of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. There we had a chance to talk with director Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz), Scott Pilgrim creator Bryan Lee O’Malley and the cast, including Jason Schwartzman, Mary Elizabeth […]
Scott Pilgrim’s Finest Hour Review
I hate it when a beloved series rushes through its climax. I felt that with Y: The Last Man, and I’m currently feeling that creeping sensation with Ex Machina. Nothing worse than enjoying a series for years, anticipating the unique storytelling opportunities that only a finale can offer, and then discovering that the creators have […]