The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Celebrate cinema with 2025's milestone movie anniversaries, including Inception, Toy Story, Back to the Future, The Shining, Jaws, Psycho, Sunset Boulevard and All About name just a few.
7 Spine-Tingling Double Bills Perfect for Halloween
Here are 7 curated Halloween double bills to enjoy as you settle in with leftover candy after the trick-or-treaters have all gone home.
The Rest of 2014 at The Bloor
With only two new releases for the rest of the year (Advance Style and National Gallery, both of which are good), we look at all the remaining events at The Bloor in 2014.
This Week at The Bloor: 11/28/14
Three great docs - The Last Impresario, Getting to the Nutcracker, and Evolution of a Criminal - cap off a stacked week of programming at The Bloor.
This Week at The Bloor: 10/24/14
A pair of entertaining films about things that defy gravity rock and roll into the Bloor this weekend.
This Week at The Bloor: 8/22/14
This week at The Bloor a lyrical and gorgeous look at teenage poverty in Rich Hill and an engaging look at a musical icon in Finding Fela.
This Week at The Bloor: 6/27/14
This week at The Bloor, The Case Against 8 takes a heartfelt and intricate look at a hot button issue, while The Internet's Own Boy stumbles in the exact opposite way.
This Week at The Bloor: 5/30/14
This week at The Bloor, a frightening and fascinating look inside the world's first "internet addiction treatment camp" in Web Junkie and the rightfully Oscar nominated foreign film The Missing Picture.
The Next Two Weeks at The Bloor: 2/21/14 & 2/28/14
We review the one new film at The Bloor this week, a look inside the US Federal Reserve in Money for Nothing, and look ahead to a slew of events over the next two weeks, including return engagements of all of this years Oscar nominated documentary features, the Oscars themselves, several returning series, and an appearance from famed stand-up comedy icon Paul Mooney.
This Week at The Bloor: 1/31/14
This week at The Bloor Cinema, films and stories about children featuring Nina Davenport's First Comes Love and film scholar Mark Cousins' more literally titled A Story of Children and Film
This Week at The Bloor: 11/29/13
This week at The Bloor, one of the most harrowing and unflinching documentaries of the year, Narco Cultura, takes a look at the lesser seen sides of the Mexican drug trade, while the much lighter, but still great Tokyo Waka: A City Poem examines how one city deals with a large number of pesky crows with equal parts admiration and annoyance.
This Week at The Bloor: 10/18/13
There's only one new release this week at The Bloor - One Track Heart: The Story of Krishna Das, which really isn't very good - but there are plenty of returning favourites, special events, and special screenings packing the theatre for the rest of the month.
This Week at The Bloor: 6/28/13
This week at the Bloor Hot Docs cinema we take at the hard to watch, but rewarding No Fire Zone: The Killing Fields of Sri Lanka, the informative but bone dry architectural documentary Sagrada: The Mystery of Creation, and briefly note some cool events and special guests for this coming week.