Mistress America

The Roundup Episode #8 – Flying Duo

This episode Meg and Elena are flying “duo” before almost two months worth of guest co-hosts! In film we’ll be talking about indie comedy Mistress America, some controversial statements from the director of Jurassic World regarding female directors, and Jake Johnson’s script change in Digging for Fire. In comics we’ll chat about trigger warnings and the big babies at Duke who don’t want to read Alison Bechdel’s graphic novel Fun Home, and in tv we’ll be discussing the controversial Hugo Awards and the weirdness of prestige show-free summer TV. We’ll then end the show by talking about the games Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture, Her Story, and bringing games to a wider audience.

[powerpress url=”https://thatshelf.com/podcast/roundup_ep8.mp3″ width=”500″]

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Film: 9:40
TV: 27:32
Comics: 44:04
Gaming: 52:53


Mistress America trailer

Mistress America and the fantasy of the self starter

Colin Trevorrow’s comments about female directors

Digging for Fire trailer

Jake Johnson changes script after talk with Brie Larson

Hugo Awards scandal

Duke student explains why he won’t read Fun Home

Fun Home debacle

Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture Review

Her Story Review
