If the thought of a movie about a viral outbreak doesn’t hit a little too close to home right now, the twisted mind behind Train to Busan is back with a sequel to his high-octane zombie apocalypse thriller. It’s called Train to Busan Presents: Peninsula and it looks right on brand.
It’s been four years since director Sang-ho Yeon released his seminal zombie movie, Train to Busan, and the wait for the sequel has been excruciating. When the film dropped in 2016, we had been swamped by zombie flicks over the prior decade, and a new zombie movie no longer moved the cultural needle. By that point it took a special kind of film to capture viewer’s imagination. Train to Busan was that rare kind of movie.
Train to Busan wasn’t just another mindless zombie gore-fest – although it features plenty of over-the-top violence. The movie works as a fast-paced horror-thriller, it’s laugh out loud funny, it’s a biting social commentary. But most importantly, it’s a genre film that was not afraid to get sentimental. Train to Busan packs a lot of heart, and the experience of watching the film stays with you because of its great characters and earnest sensibility.
After its debut, Train to Busan went on to cult movie status, earning loads of cash ($92 million) at the international box-office and becoming a midnight movie sensation. The film’s devoted audience has clamoured for a proper follow-up for years, so the Peninsula trailer is a big deal.
Train to Busan Presents: Peninsula trailer:
If Peninsula looks like your jam, then you should check out the filmmaker’s other movies. Train to Busan gets all the love, but in 2018 he wrote and directed a totally bonkers superhero action-comedy called Psychokinesis. If you love superhero movies but suffer from MCU fatigue, Psychokinesis is a solid watch.
Train to Busan Presents: Peninsula synopsis:
Four years after South Korea’s total decimation in TRAIN TO BUSAN, the zombie thriller that captivated audiences worldwide, acclaimed director Yeon Sang-ho brings us PENINSULA, the next nail-biting chapter in his post-apocalyptic world. Jung-seok, a soldier who previously escaped the diseased wasteland, relives the horror when assigned to a covert operation with two simple objectives: retrieve and survive. When his team unexpectedly stumbles upon survivors, their lives will depend on whether the best—or worst—of human nature prevails in the direst of circumstances.