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Toronto Comic-Con Photos: Part 1

Fans young and old descended upon the Metro Toronto Convention Centre at Front Street to see some of their favourite stars and creators at the Wizard World Toronto Comic-Con. Vendors plied their wares, actors and actresses such as Star Trek Voyager’s Jeri Ryan and Eureka’s Colin Ferguson chatted with fans and journalists.

While crowd bustled about the convention floor, it was still more relaxed and even more intimate compared to the gargantuan Fan Expo that overtakes the downtown core every fall. But despite the comparative lack of big newsmakers and superstar panels on a cool April weekend, Comic-Con was still the place for all nerd, dorks and geeks to be.

For the first part of our Comic-Con roundup, we’re highlighting the fans who dressed especially for the occasion, in costumes based on our favourite comics, video games and television shows.

Comic Con 2012 - Poison Ivy
Poison Ivy
The Riddler
The Riddler
Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman
The Joker & Harley Quinn
The Joker & Harley Quinn
Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Scarecrow & Phoenix
Scarecrow & Phoenix
X-Men and (She) Punisher
X-Men and (She) Punisher
Green Lantern
Green Lantern, in a darling one-piece
Invisible Girl
Invisible Girl
The Avengers, 2012 film cast-friendly
The Avengers, 2012 film cast-friendly
Tomb Raider's Lara Croft
Lara Croft
TRON suit
Star Trek - Klingon and Bro-hura
Star Trek - Klingon and "He-Uhurua"
Silent Bob
Silent Bob
Homer Simpson as Pie Man
Homer Simpson as Pie Man
Sailor Moon & Sailor Scouts
Sailor Moon & Sailor Scouts
Skyrim soldiers
Elder Scrolls: Skyrim soldiers

Thanks to all the attendees and fans who stopped for a pic from Dork Shelf! Stay tuned for interviews with some of the star guests and even more photos.
