GeekNerdDork - Featured

Geek Nerd Dork Episode 15

In space no one can hear you scream…

Dork Shelf Presents GeekNerdDork

Following last week’s epic show with our guest Teddy Wilson, co-host of InnerSPACE on the SPACE channel, we present to you the stunning conclusion!

This week we find out what Gavin really thought of The Wrestler, twist endings, talk more about the inner workings of popular media and quiz each other on hyper-nerdy trivia, all of which makes for an entertaining show.

Be sure to follow Teddy on Twitter at @TeddySPACE

Download: GeekNerdDork Cast – Episode 15 (37.6 MB, MP3, 54:32)
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Send any and all feedback, questions, suggestions and/or complaints to our email address: [email protected]

Big thanks to our friend DJ FINISH HIM for providing the title track to the podcast.
You can hear more of his music here.

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