BBC America
This season of Killing Eve has been defined by its characters responding to and learning how to adapt to wildly changing circumstances. Episode 6 takes that idea and sprints with it.
You Should Be Watching: 3 Shows Better Than The Walking Dead
While The Walking Dead may be the most popular zombie show on TV, it is certainly not the best one out there. Yes. We said it. Here are three zombie shows you should be watching instead.
RANKED: Doctor Who Season 8 (Part 2)
We're tacklling the best and worst of Doctor Who season 8. Which instalment deserves multiple re-watches and which episodes should go the way of Gallifrey? To part two of the list!
RANKED: Doctor Who Season 8 (Part 1)
We're going to tackle the best and worst of Doctor Who season 8. Which instalment deserves multiple re-watches and which episodes should die in a fire? To part one of the list!
Orphan Black Episode 2.10 Recap
Orphan Black closes out its triumphant second season with the jam packed and thoroughly fantastic "By Means Which Have Never Yet Been Tried." In a related sentiment, HOLY SHIT.
Orphan Black Episode 2.8 Recap
Hello readers, and welcome to Dork Shelf’s recap of Orphan Black season 2, episode 8, “Variable and Full of Perturbation." Something strange happened this episode, and that strange thing was that this episode was kind of... bland and boring?
Orphan Black Episode 2.7 Recap
This week on Orphan Black, countless secrets were revealed to each of the characters, with some hilarious and devastating consequences.
Orphan Black Episode 2.6 Recap
What happened this episode of Orphan Black? Well, for one we’re finally getting somewhere with our clone mystery, and by “somewhere” I mean we’re at the equivalent of that one pit stop with the big ball of twine—nowhere near the destination, but delightful nonetheless.
Orphan Black Episode 2.5 Recap
Hidey-ho readeroonies! I hope you enjoyed Orphan Black’s season 2, episode 5, “Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est” (translation: “knowledge itself is power”), because otherwise this recap wherein I gush over the skillful storytelling is going to be weird. Don’t make it weird.
Orphan Black Episode 2.4 Recap
On the last episode of Orphan Black, everyone made terrible, terrible life choices.
Orphan Black Episode 2.3 Recap
“Mingling Its Own Nature with It” featured very few lighthearted moments. Shit’s getting real folks. Where season one introduced us to the women, season two is delving deeper into the worsening psychological effects of realizing you’re a clone.
Orphan Black Episode 2.2 Recap
This episode Orphan Black gave us more insight into the science-obsessed new sect of Proletheans that have captured Helena. While Alison deals with the aftermath of Aynsley's death, Cosima falls deeper down the Dyad Institute rabbit hole, and Sarah enlists Art's help to find Kira, but is shocked as to where the trail leads. Shenanigans ensue.
Orphan Black Episode 2.1 Recap
The season two premiere of Orphan Black picks up seconds after Sarah discovered her house had been ransacked and her daughter Kira and Mrs. S. had gone missing. We find our main girl running for dear life in the rain, trying desperately to evade an enemy that at the moment could be the police, the Neolutionists, or the Proletheans.
Orphan Black: Season 1 Refresher
Being a fan of Orphan Black is difficult. On top of trying to convert all of your friends to this amazing TV show, you also have the added burden of trying to keep up with all of the insanity the show throws at you. So before our first recap on April 19th, let's take a look at what we've learned about our Tatiana Maslanys last season!
Video: Copper Set Visit
Dork Shelf was fortunate enough to visit the Toronto set of Copper where Five Points has been recreated inside what used to be the Fenwick Automotive factory. Cast members let us in on what's bigger and better about season two and why working on the show has been such a fun and humbling experience.