As Dustin discovers, pet ownership is a big responsibility. It requires research, investment, care, and a gargantuan stash of Three Musketeers bars.
If you thought where you grew up was weird, it’s nothing compared to Purgatory.
In this exclusive clip from Sunday’s new episode of AMC’s spectacular live-action anime we get some insight into Quinn’s subterranean state of being.
“The Best with the Best to Get the Best” is all about confession. An act which has an undeniable power.
"Maybe Tomorrow" is all about the many masks we wear — and the violence of removing them.
“Mingling Its Own Nature with It” featured very few lighthearted moments. Shit’s getting real folks. Where season one introduced us to the women, season two is delving deeper into the worsening psychological effects of realizing you’re a clone.
“Hassun” is perfectly distilled Hannibal. It takes the conventions of a well established television format - the courtroom procedural - and mutilates it into a nightmarish message about the kind of love that compels you do horrible, violent things.
The stories of episode three continue to be removed from the flash-forward mystery conflict seen in the season two premiere of The Newsroom. Much like last week’s episode, the show forces us to ‘...wait for it’ without even knowing what ‘it’ is. That being said, there are still some fun moments.