Fitzjames and Crozier bond, Hickey's evil nature is revealed, and an uninvited guest crashes a fog covered court martial on another fantastic episode of AMC's The Terror.
All roads to lead to the Hawkins Lab in Chapter Eight of Stranger Things and we finally get to see the players reunited against the growing evil threatening to take over the world.
Peter and Susan at back are you with recaps of season 2 of Stranger Things. They guided you through the Upside Down last season, and they’re ready to jump right back in.
“No Future in the Past” crams a whole hell of a lot of plot and content into one episode.
"The Upside Down” leaves viewers with what Stranger Things does best: unabashed nostalgia, spooky suspense, and heartfelt moments.
Hello readers, and welcome to Dork Shelf’s recap of Orphan Black season 2, episode 8, “Variable and Full of Perturbation." Something strange happened this episode, and that strange thing was that this episode was kind of... bland and boring?
“The Mountain and the Viper” is about history. Some people dwell on the past and worry, others look back and find identity. One specifically unfortunate man has allowed his past to fester, making him prone to a mind-crushing lust for vengeance.
In “Su-Zakana” the cocoon constructed of mystery novel pages, fond pop-culture memories, Hollywood disappointments, and countless other symbols that once encased Hannibal has cracked open, and out of it has come a new and unpredictable kind of butterfly.
Hidey-ho readers! Your friendly neighbourhood Girls recapper is here with some sweet, sweet catch-up.
It’s wedding season in the seven kingdoms as the first of four planned nuptials finally gets underway. Much of this week’s episode, “Second Sons," concerns the union of Sansa and Tyrion, which turns out to be exactly as sad and awkward as you would expect a forced wedding between a middle-aged dwarf and a 14-year-old girl to be.