Josh Hutcherson

Geek Hard Podcast: Episode 286

On this episode we review The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 and we also talk with actor and writer Robin Dunne about the Kickstarter for his first graphic novel Rattletrap.

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Review

With a director more accustomed to shooting good looking and well handled action sequences, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire is just a slight notch better than its predecessor, but nearly every other positive and negative from the first film remains exactly the same.

Epic Review

Shoddy and forgettable, Epic might be one of the most ill titled films ever. It seems more like wishful thinking than an actual title. It's the first major high profile misfire of the summer.

Red Dawn Review

By the already low standards that a Red Dawn remake would have, it's not very good, but not as flat out awful as one would secretly suspect. It's stupid, has a small handful of good action scenes, is unevenly acted, and is still pretty xenophobic despite it being more ridiculous this time out.

Contest: See RED DAWN in 4 Cities!

Enter for a chance to win a pair of passes to an advance screening of Red Dawn in Toronto, Ottawa, Halifax, or Winnipeg on Monday, November 19th from Dork Shelf and Alliance Films

This Week in DVD: 8/21/12

This week on DVD we look at the stellar Oscar winning foreign drama A Separation, Richard Linklater's unfortunately slept on Bernie, the direct to DVD efforts Breathless, A Girl Walks into a Bar, and the Dolph Lundgren starring One in the Chamber. Oh, and some indie film called The Hunger Games

This Week in DVD: 7/31/12

Not much new to report on the home video front this week aside from a pair of teen movies: the extremely successful and entertaining Detention and the only kind of okay LOL.