“That’s real cool, right?” If a film starts with that question, the answer is usually “no.” The in many ways crappy creature feature Scared Shitless is no exception. In fact, the horror comedy feels tediously long despite its 76 minute running time. It’s so void of quality and full of unremarkable aspects, that an Estonian […]
Futurama Season 11 Review: Reboot To The Future (Again)
Fourth time's the charm for the Planet Express crew on Disney+.
The Afterparty Season 2 Review: It’s About The Journey, Not The Destination
'The Afterparty,' which returns for its second season on July 12, continues to be the only whodunnit that doesn't live or die on who-dun-it.
The People’s Joker: Director Vera Drew Cancels All Remaining Festival Screenings
In a shocking development, director Vera Drew has withdrawn The People's Joker film from all previously announced festivals until further notice.
Cup of Cheer Red Band Trailer
A movie genre only truly arrives when it receives the full spoof treatment. The Hallmark Holiday movie finally gets its answer to Scary Movie and The Naked Gun to with Cup of Cheer.
Ladies Make Comics Too: Noelle Stevenson
Meet Noelle Stevenson: the crazy high achiever responsible for web comics' The Broship of the Ring, Nimona and a slew of hilarious nerd franchise parody comics!
Batman vs Batman
When Batman meets another Batman from a parallel Earth, their team-up gets... emotional. Weirdly emotional.
Johnny English Reborn Review
Johnny English Reborn is a film that will become seminal when speaking about forgettable films and sequels no one asked for. Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo and The Odd Couple II almost have more reasons to exist than this film. While those superfluous follow-ups strike out on huge levels, JE2 is simply a bore from start to finish with little to redeem it and little effort shown on the part of the filmmakers.
Your Highness Review
I didn’t walk into Your Highness with high expectations, that would have been silly, but I was looking forward to it in a way that defies my general like of good taste. A stoner-fantasy genre hybrid suddenly felt like exactly the nosh I was hungry for. But there isn’t a formula for this sort of subgenre as much as there is a vibe, and I’m sad to say no matter how much you tint your eyes rose coloured before entering the theatre, Your Highness doesn’t do a great job flowing with it.
Batman: Number One
FunnyOrDie presents Batman: Number One, a hilarious short film in which we discover that having dead parents isn’t the only issue the Dark Knight has. Thanks to richpee for the link
Faux Grindhouse 2012 Trailer
Vimeo user Garrison Dean has created a hilarious 1970’s grindhouse style trailer for Roland Emmerich‘s upcoming disaster-porn movie 2012. The video really illustrates how ridiculous Emmerich’s epic disaster movie is going to be, but we’ll all go to see the insane spectacle anyways. Kudos to the maker of the video for using music from Incredible […]
My Little Pony Live-Action Film Trailer
With live-action iterations of Transformers and G.I. Joe both hitting theatres this summer, it’s easy to forget the other 1980’s cartoon/toy-line adaptation that will be coming to a theatre near you in the coming months. I am of course referring to My Little Pony: Reign of Buttercup Sprinkles. [youtube][/youtube] What a delicious little send up […]
Mega64: Shadow of the Colossus
Those crazy Mega64 kids are at it again. This time they parody Fumito Ueda‘s amazing Shadow of the Colossus much to the confusion and bewilderment of onlookers. [youtube][/youtube] If you haven’t played Shadow of the Colossus I urge you to do so, it is easily one of the greatest games ever made.
The Onion Satirizes Video Game Violence with “Close Range”
The Onion has posted a very interesting story about video game violence, featuring a game called Close Range. The game consists entirely of shooting people in the face with various guns at point blank range, and has been hailed by critics and fans alike as a masterpiece of video game design. Since The Onion is […]