Green Lantern
The Hollywood Reporter confirmed this week that actor Peter Sarsgaard is in talks to play Hector Hammond, the super-brained DC Comics villain in the upcoming Green Lantern movie. Hammond is to be the primary antagonist of Ryan Reynolds’ Hal Jordan in the film. Sarsgaard isn’t the only actor set to join Green Lantern though. Blake […]
Haley to be Green Lantern Villain?
Ain’t It Cool News is reporting a pretty interesting Green Lantern rumour regarding the role of Sinestro. Jackie Earle Haley — most recently known for his portrayal of Rorscach in Watchmen — is said to be up for the role of Hal Jordan’s mentor-turned-nemesis. It is still unclear whether Martin Campbell’s Green Lantern film will […]
Green Lantern Moving to New Orleans?
Director Martin Campbell was supposed to start shooting the Green Lantern film in Australia in just a few weeks, but apparently the rise of the Australian dollar seems to be putting that start date in jeopardy. When you’re making a film with a $150 million (US) budget in another country, a spike in the value of […]
Jeff’s Pulls for the Week of July 23
This week’s pull list is brought to you by the upcoming nerd mecca that is the San Diego Comic Con. Enjoy the books! Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps #2 (of 3) Tales of the Corps is a tie-in book that helps explain the dynamics of the different color spectrum Lantern Corps’. Various writers and […]
Podcast 8: Bacon-Con 2009
Sarrah joins Jeff and Will for a discussion of Green Lantern, Comic-Con, James Cameron's cure for cancer, and much more. Exclusives! Events! Bothering George—and it's kosher!
Jeff’s Pulls for the Week of July 8
As a collector the last few weeks have been insane, I’ve been overwhelmed with titles recently. Now you die hard fans are scoffing at my plight, but to be honest, having to read this many books is an overload for my brain, not to mention the financial impact this repeated pull list overload has had. […]
Ryan Reynolds is Green Lantern
The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that Ryan Reynolds has beat out the likes of Bradley Cooper and Justin Timberlake for the role of DC Comics Hal Jordan, the Green Lantern. Green Lantern which is being fast tracked for a 2011 release will be directed by Casino Royale director Martin Campbell. The fact that Justin Timberlake […]
Jeff’s Pulls for the week of May 24th
What is a pull list? Most comic book retailers offer memberships to frequent customers. You pay to have your most frequently purchased books pulled so that you don’t have to pull them off the racks. This can save you time, disappointment, and, sometimes, money. Say you want a copy of a very popular Spider-Man / Superman […]
Green Lantern Fan-Made Trailer
Using footage from multiple sources YouTube user jaronpitt‘s has assembled a very impressive trailer for a non-existent Green Lantern movie starring Firefly star Nathan Fillion. [youtube][/youtube] This is an impressive mashup that gives us an idea of what the actual live-action Green Lantern movie will actually look like. Thanks to Fip Lele.
College Humor: The Dark Knight Meets the Justice League
The Justice League have more superpowers than they know what to do with. Batman on the other hand has no superpowers. With that in mind, College Humor presents a “realistic” take on what the power dynamic would actually look like within the Justice League of America.
Green Lantern: First Flight Trailer Arrives
The first trailer for Green Lantern: First Flight movie has hit the web. Hit the HD and Fullscreen buttons [youtube][/youtube] With the success of DC Comics and Warner Bros. previous direct-to-video animated features like Superman: Doomsday and Batman: Gotham Knight, a Green Lantern movie was bound to happen eventually. Green Lantern: First Flight introduces us […]
Green Lantern: Hal Jordan Head Injury Project
Flickr user dlanod has been compiling an archive of panels from DC‘s Green Lantern comics over the years. In particular, he has collected panels which feature Hal Jordan—the 1960’s Silver-Age Lantern and Current Green Lantern—sustaining numerous head-injuries, of which there seem to be no short supply. Hal Jordan should be dead from the innumerable blows […]
Will Captain Kirk be the Green Lantern? is reporting that a reliable source at Warner Bros. has pegged actor Chris Pine for the role of Hal Jordan in the Green Lantern film. Pine who plays Captain Kirk in the upcoming Star Trek movie from J.J. Abrams is the alleged front-runner amongst a list of actors all in their late 20’s. Green […]
Who Will Wield Green Lantern’s Ring?
Hal Jordan, arguably the most well known wielder of the Green Lantern power ring is finally coming to the big screen. But who will play the iron-willed test pilot? Ryan Gosling and Emile Hirsch were both approached for the part of Hal Jordan, but have reportedly both turned down the offer. Anton Yelchin who will […]