William Shakespeare

The King Review

Timothée Chalamet’s fiery performance in The King would make previous cinematic Henry's like Olivier, Branagh, and Welles proud.

House of Cards Chapter 53 Recap

House of Cards returns for season five. But can the first episode – even with all its lies and deception – hold a candle to real life politics?

House of Cards Chapter 51 Recap

Chapter 51 is a setup episode. The cards are precariously perched, awaiting even the slightest puff of air to bring them all fluttering down, and like Tom Yates says, many are girding themselves for tragedy.

House of Cards Chapter 49 Recap

If there’s anything we know about how the dead function in the beige and black hued world of House of Cards, it's that no death is wasted.

House of Cards Chapter 47 Recap

The intermission in Frank and Claire’s marriage has come to a close, but it's undeniable that there’s something — or perhaps someone — missing from the mix.

House of Cards Chapter 46 Recap

In days of old, referring to someone as a “viral sensation” could more of less connote some sort of VD, but with the Conways it takes on a new meaning.

House of Cards Chapter 45 Recap

Whether it’s Frank's liver, Doug’s cold heart, Dunbar’s sound mind, or Claire’s beautiful lips, Chapter 45 of House of Cards shows us many of the characters being tested to the absolute limits.