Team Fortress 2: Comic, Update and Free Weekend

A snippet from Michael Avon Oeming's Team Fortress 2 web-comic

Released today is the first in what I hope will be a series of comics featuring the characters from Valve Software‘s popular multiplayer shooter Team Fortress 2. The comic was written and drawn by Michael Avon Oeming, the artist behind titles like Powers, Mice Templar and the new soon to be released Rapture.

The Sniper vs. Spy @ Team Fortress 2 Official Site

In other Team Fortress 2 news, the Sniper and the Spy update is rumoured to be released later today.

Valve has announced that the PC version Team Fortress 2 will be available to play for free to anyone this weekend on the company’s Steam game distribution service. If you’ve never tried TF2 now is your opportunity, the game runs on the flexible Source Engine so anyone should be able to run it. The TF2 free weekend starts today, so get downloading!


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