Tom Yates
Under cover of darkness the Underwoods execute their machinations, and if there’s anything to be gleaned from Claire’s newly acquired Mark Rothko, darkness is on the horizon.
House of Cards Chapter 61 Recap
A politician can be bumped out of the public favour with an incriminating recording?
House of Cards Chapter 60 Recap
Chapter 60 of House of Cards features a bunch of white dudes hanging out in the forest playing dress up, whilst the women are back in the White House getting some real work done.
House of Cards Chapter 59 Recap
Claire comes up against her biggest challenge as stand-in President yet as a threat sends the White House down into the bunker.
House of Cards Chapter 58 Recap
There’s a woman in the White House on House of Cards. Madam Acting President is handed over the security codes and Claire gets some major decision-making moments under her belt.
House of Cards Chapter 57 Recap
Frank Underwood flips the Founding Fathers the bird in a consequential episode of House of Cards.
House of Cards Chapter 56 Recap
If there’s any episode of House of Cards meant to rid one of the delusion of a fair and equal democracy — it’s this one.
House of Cards Chapter 55 Recap
On the eve of House of Cards' election, one cannot help but wonder, is it out with the old and in with the new?
House of Cards Chapter 54 Recap
It might be Halloween on House of Cards but there are more frightening things in the White House than imagined ghouls and goblins.
House of Cards Chapter 53 Recap
House of Cards returns for season five. But can the first episode – even with all its lies and deception – hold a candle to real life politics?
House of Cards Chapter 52 Recap
Chapter 52 reveals that the loaded term "terrorism" is now fully entrenched in the minds and actions of the Underwoods.
House of Cards Chapter 51 Recap
Chapter 51 is a setup episode. The cards are precariously perched, awaiting even the slightest puff of air to bring them all fluttering down, and like Tom Yates says, many are girding themselves for tragedy.
House of Cards Chapter 50 Recap
Love is in the air in an unusually romantic episode of House of Cards.
House of Cards Chapter 49 Recap
If there’s anything we know about how the dead function in the beige and black hued world of House of Cards, it's that no death is wasted.